Our Store
Simple Bee “Save The Bees” T Shirt$12.00 – $1,200.00
Mens’s Woodsy Lotion Bar$3.00
Beeswax Citronella Candle$6.00

Our Beekeeping Services…

Swarm Removal
At certain times of the year Honeybees naturally swarm to reproduce colonies as a way of survival. Using thermal imaging and scope camera’s we can perform precision cutouts and cause minimal damage.

Personal Care Products
Beeswax is the only natural wax in the world. Soon we will offer various lotions, beard oil, soap, deodorant, propolis tinctures, and other healthy products.

Honey in its magical way is loaded with vitamins & minerals. It reduces free radicals and protects your liver, great for allergy relief, and a better alternative to sweeteners.

Our Store
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